Friday, March 7, 2008

Why would anyone want to delete their cookies???

My browser has been crashing a lot lately, probably from the information overload of all these new tools I've been poking through. So, my friend tells me, I need to clear my private data. Then this message pops ups: "Do you want to delete your cookies?" Cookies??? I didn't know my computer had a built in easy bake oven and NO...who the heck would delete their cookies?

My laptop must have a bug in it, because it didn't even tell me what kind of cookies were in the easy bake drive. Do they have chocolate in them??? Chocolate chips??? If so, there is NO way in the world I would delete them by any method other than by consumption.

I struggled with my conscience and deleted the cookies. This was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done. Then it asks me, "are you sure?" NO! I'm not sure! You still didn't tell me if they were chocolate!!! I was very upset over the cookie confrontation and so was my laptop because my browser was crashing again. My office roomie told me to try deleting my firefox profile. What?? I have a profile? I don't remember filling anything out when I downloaded firefox. Turns out there's this totally invasive profile that remembers where you've been, your bookmarks and your passwords!

I feel naked! My computer knows my profile, and I don't even know its name! I promptly deleted my profile without any hesitation and now Winston (the name I've given my computer) and I can get properly acquainted.

1 comment:

yogafordrunks said...

winston got rid of your cookies, but the real test is if he can get rid of studyien (beef jello)! :)