Thursday, March 6, 2008

HELP!!! I understand my co-workers jokes now!!!

When I started working for an internet company, I could email, chat, and check the news online. Pretty basic. I immediately got bombarded with this high tech mumbo jumbo language that sounds like a mixture between Chinese and Arabic. I had NOOOOO idea what anyone was talking about. I got invited to LAN parties and thought you had to dress up and bring something for the hostess.

I believe that tech lingo designed to mess with those of us who didn't pay attention in computer lab and made fun of the AV guys in school. Like what the heck makes a hyperlink hyper?? Does it need anti-virus medication? Or, why do they call it an IDF room when it has nothing to do with the Israeli Defense Force?

Do IT guys really fix your computer, or do they just go into the control panel, click the "RESET STUPID" button and make you look like an idiot? "Oh..hehe...I knew that, sorry!!"

But here's the kicker...I digg it! I've discovered my inner geek! She doesn't have a name yet, we're working on that. I get just as excited as the rest of them when a new feature comes out on my gmail or gcal, or when they create a new cute lil' smiley emotion for the gtalk.

I'd like to make it clear that I still have my roots. I really have no interest in video games. I have never played the Wii, and I would rather sell my soul to the devil then create a MySpace or Facebook profile. Yet I look at people who still use a paper calendar (no names, but you know who are) and my eyes begin to roll. "Hello!!! It's the year 44.810713 squared!! Get with the program!"


5 & Dime said...

My lil Leya finally decided to come out of the closet, albeit not completely. I think it is only a matter of time till you find your gamer in you. Give it time. Baby steps. Soon you'll be reading open source code over coffee on Sunday morning. You'll be like, "OMG, I can't believe he just said file:\.js$ XMLHttpRequest. What a loser he is." And what's up with the guy with the paper calendar? what a loser he is. La-OOZER!!!

Trisha A. said...

Yeah Leya - I'm with you on the whole no facebook or myspace page thing...I started to think we were a dying breed! I think some of my aprehension stems from an episode of Without a Trace in which a chick went missing because her Myspace page was a little too detailed and some sicko knew where to find her and you can guess the rest. I guess I just don't like the idea of people seeing my life at "facebook value." No pun intended :-)