Wednesday, May 14, 2008

More Computer Words that are WEIRD!!!!

I used to be totally "Not Found 404" about tech jargon, but I'm starting to catch on and get in the groove. Even though I'm more aware of this new foreign language, there are some terms that are...well...weird!

1. BREADCRUMBS: I get it, its a reference to Hansel and Gretel about leaving crumbs or notes to remember where you came from. But why did the creator pick Hansel and Gretel when there are other perfectly good Fairytale references that could've been made here? For example, "the magic wand" wave and it you get where you want, or "the Rapunzel" hold on to the hair and you know where you're going. When I think of breadcrumbs, it reminds me of another computer term...

2. BLOG ROLL: Linking your blog with someone else's. Why don't they just call it "blog buddies" or "BBFF" Best-blog-friends-forever! Do blog rolls leave breadcrumbs?? No, but that would make sense wouldn't it! What's up with all the bread terms? I think there's some wonderbread conspiracy going on here.

3. CLEARING YOUR CACHE: I would have no problem with this term if "cache" wasn't pronounced "cash". Why do I need my computer's help to clear my cache? I can do it by myself in a much more exciting way than by clicking on the computer. I can clear my cash at the mall, on vacation, or by enjoying a shoe sale. Seriously, there's nothing about clearing my cache my computer can teach me about. I'm sure I can give it a lesson or two about cache clearing!!!

I've signed up for Netlingo's word-of-the-day so I can learn more tech lingo! Stay tuned for more WTF word rants!

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