Friday, August 15, 2008

G-d and Global Warming

As you're well aware from my last GSBN post, I think this whole Bay Area hippie going green initiative has gone completely over board. Apparently, I'm not the only one who thinks so. I work for an internet company where everyone and their mother drives a hybrid or a Prius. Two weeks ago, I was at work minding my own business when G-d and mother nature gave us their true opinion of Going Green. In perfect sunny weather, with no wind factor, a large tree branch fell on top of a Prius. Mother Nature likes her carbon emissions early in the morning, and no pretentious Prius is going to take that away! This was truly environmentalism at its best. The funniest thing was when the receptionist sent an email to the whole building saying, "anyone with a Prius-come outside!" That's like calling a fire drill!

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