Yesterday I went to Jewish Heritage Day at the Golden State Warrior's Game, (that's basketball for the sports impaired). We beat the Mavericks 114-104, woot woot!!! All cuz the Rally Rabbi blew the shofar at half time, Moses style, creating an open road to the basket! Anyway...we were sitting in section 209!!
For those of you who don't know, section 209 is notorious at the San Jose Sharks games as the LOUD section. The same season ticket holders have been sitting there for years and always yell "YOU SUCK!" to the opposing team (nice guys, really!) Turns out section 209 at the Warrior's game was the loudest too.
It was interesting in the beginning seeing as how we were the Jewish Heritage Day group and had a large Church of Jesus Gospel/Dance Crew group right behind us. It was like an interfaith melting pot. One of the guys from the dance crew got the whole section chanting and starting to do the wave. We were all high 5-ing and dancing together!
The section became really loud when the Warriors scored 100 points and everyone got FREE KFC fried chicken wrap coupons. I have to mention that melting pot section was split here some excited about "free" others excited about fried chicken.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
I <3 Google Reader and RSS Feeds
I know, I know, I'm late to the party, but I just discovered Google Reader and RSS feeds. I used to spend hours surfing the web, going to the Wall Street Journal just to read world news and the opinion pages. Then I'd check Google News for the election updates, and poke around on my friend's blogs. (Hold please while I blogroll my delightful gal's blog:
Anyway, I set up my Google Reader and RSS feeds, and now I have my own personalized newspaper with only the stuff I want in it. The best part is my personalized newspaper doesn't have to be unbiased and show all sides of the story! It's like my own little dictatorship paper with the stuff I want to see, and none of the stuff I don't!!!! As it was said in Mel Brook's "History of the World"..."It's good to be the king!!!"
It gets better, then I found out my Google Reader syncs with my blackberry and I can get all the latest news right on my phone. I was sooooooooo excited when my office roomie had to say, "just so you know Leya, RSS feeds have been around for like 5 years now!" WHATEVER..I totally caught him setting up Google Reader just a few moments after I told him about my account.
Who's late to the party now???
Anyway, I set up my Google Reader and RSS feeds, and now I have my own personalized newspaper with only the stuff I want in it. The best part is my personalized newspaper doesn't have to be unbiased and show all sides of the story! It's like my own little dictatorship paper with the stuff I want to see, and none of the stuff I don't!!!! As it was said in Mel Brook's "History of the World"..."It's good to be the king!!!"
It gets better, then I found out my Google Reader syncs with my blackberry and I can get all the latest news right on my phone. I was sooooooooo excited when my office roomie had to say, "just so you know Leya, RSS feeds have been around for like 5 years now!" WHATEVER..I totally caught him setting up Google Reader just a few moments after I told him about my account.
Who's late to the party now???
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Eyeballs version 2.0!

Yay! My eyes have been lasered and upgraded! Surgery went well, and now I just kick back with my 'men in black' shades (the world is a really bright place) and wait for for the vision to get better. Technology is amazing. I've been wearing glasses/contacts since 2nd grade, and in 10 minutes of PRK laser surgery, my vision was fabulous!!
My surgeon is great (Dr. Manche, Stanford Laser Center). My optometrist says his work was perfect! I was really nervous about the PRK since the recovery is longer, and more painful than lasik. He went out of his way to make me comfortable and got some of his previous patients to tell me about their experience.
Anyway, I go into the doctor's office and they give me Valium before I go in. I start to giggle like a little school girl, and my sister leads me into the surgery room. The doc. tells me to keep staring at the orange blinky light, which under the influence of the Valium is the most entertaining, spectacular theatrical lights production I had ever seen.
My doctor's fabulous, but he was really bad at small talk this time. He was trying to keep me awake so he started asking about my boyfriend who came with me when I did my right eye in December. I told him the boyfriend's finishing up law school in LA. Doc says, "wow! LA huh? That's a pretty dangerous place for a guy to be without his girlfriend." COME ON DOC!!!!!!
So now the doctor's shooting giant laser beams and scraping my eye while implying that my boyfriend is being distracted by all the boobular women in LA. My sister's staring at me like I'm her next science experiment (she can't wait to try this at home)....and you know what?? I'm still on the Valium and thought everything was absolutely hilarious.
The procedure was over before I knew it, and my sister leads me, still giggling, out of the facility. I really want to thank everyone at Stanford Eye Laser Center. They are amazing, and if I had a third eye, I would totally do it again! Also thank you to everyone who's been driving me around and visiting while I'm recovering.
On another note, I think doctors have a tough job and need to lighten the mood by having a quirky senses of humor. My regular physician once examined me and said, " looks like you're only a little pregnant...JUST KIDDING!!"
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The quiet bet was on!!! 6:59pm I hung up the phone with my sister and started out my two hours of quiet battle. I created a voice recording on my phone ahead of time screaming, "SHARKS!! GOAL!!!" so I could play it in the right moment and enjoy the game. My boyfriend put me to the test and called during the two hours of silent hell. I answered the phone and pressed buttons in his ear so he would know I was there, but was NOT talking!! Some friends sent supportive text messages and NOW...I am the champion of quiet time!!! Well...maybe not the champion, but I am $20 richer!!! IN YOUR FACE!!!!!!
Tomorrow I'm off to have my PRK eye surgery. Giant freakin' laser beams here I come!
Tomorrow I'm off to have my PRK eye surgery. Giant freakin' laser beams here I come!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The "Quiet Bet" is on like Donkey Kong!!

This weekend I was telling my step-bro about the time my ex-boyfriend made me go to this meditation, vegetarian, silent dinner...where everyone had to be..GULP..silent throughout the meal. This was after an hour of silent hungry mediation. It was terrible, I was miserable, and I barely made it out of there alive! I am certainly no vegetarian...and by no means silent about anything!!
So bro challenged me to a bet: Tuesday night, 7-9pm PDT, no talking!! $20 and a lifetime of bragging rights are at stake here! This is an interesting challenge, as I have a few errands to run tonight and am going to watch the San Jose Sharks game on TV (Go Sharks!! Beat LA!!!) I've never watched a hockey game in silence! In fact, the reason I always participate in discussions in school is because I can't shut up long enough to listen! But tonight: it's ON!!!
Brother from another mother, you are going down!!!! And just remember, I didn't say it, the New York Post did!!!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
If says its ok....
Today I was looking for a free voice recording software for a work project. I googled and found Freecorder, a toolbar recorder that's built into your browser. I wondered, this a trick? If I click download, will I automatically send out millions of emails to all my friends and family asking if they would like to enlarge their penises? Then I see, "recommended by" and let out a sigh of relief.
Oh my g-d!! Am I really here? I seriously used to assess whether something is cool and legit. Welcome to Geekville population has just been increased by one, and yes, we mean you!
Maybe I should start going to on Friday nights and search, "go out to a bar with friends." I can just imagine a message would pop out saying: "this activity is not approved. You have finance homework Leya! Equations, not cocktails are approved!"
I'm slightly intimidated to find out if other gadgets and software I use are approved by this world wide network of geeks. I don't know if I could handle having tell me I'm not cool enough. If I search my Dell laptop from 2004, will it tell me: "LOSER! Time to upgrade! 2004 Dells were so 12 versions ago!"
Oh my g-d!! Am I really here? I seriously used to assess whether something is cool and legit. Welcome to Geekville population has just been increased by one, and yes, we mean you!
Maybe I should start going to on Friday nights and search, "go out to a bar with friends." I can just imagine a message would pop out saying: "this activity is not approved. You have finance homework Leya! Equations, not cocktails are approved!"
I'm slightly intimidated to find out if other gadgets and software I use are approved by this world wide network of geeks. I don't know if I could handle having tell me I'm not cool enough. If I search my Dell laptop from 2004, will it tell me: "LOSER! Time to upgrade! 2004 Dells were so 12 versions ago!"
Friday, March 7, 2008
Why would anyone want to delete their cookies???
My browser has been crashing a lot lately, probably from the information overload of all these new tools I've been poking through. So, my friend tells me, I need to clear my private data. Then this message pops ups: "Do you want to delete your cookies?" Cookies??? I didn't know my computer had a built in easy bake oven and NO...who the heck would delete their cookies?
My laptop must have a bug in it, because it didn't even tell me what kind of cookies were in the easy bake drive. Do they have chocolate in them??? Chocolate chips??? If so, there is NO way in the world I would delete them by any method other than by consumption.
I struggled with my conscience and deleted the cookies. This was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done. Then it asks me, "are you sure?" NO! I'm not sure! You still didn't tell me if they were chocolate!!! I was very upset over the cookie confrontation and so was my laptop because my browser was crashing again. My office roomie told me to try deleting my firefox profile. What?? I have a profile? I don't remember filling anything out when I downloaded firefox. Turns out there's this totally invasive profile that remembers where you've been, your bookmarks and your passwords!
I feel naked! My computer knows my profile, and I don't even know its name! I promptly deleted my profile without any hesitation and now Winston (the name I've given my computer) and I can get properly acquainted.
My laptop must have a bug in it, because it didn't even tell me what kind of cookies were in the easy bake drive. Do they have chocolate in them??? Chocolate chips??? If so, there is NO way in the world I would delete them by any method other than by consumption.
I struggled with my conscience and deleted the cookies. This was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done. Then it asks me, "are you sure?" NO! I'm not sure! You still didn't tell me if they were chocolate!!! I was very upset over the cookie confrontation and so was my laptop because my browser was crashing again. My office roomie told me to try deleting my firefox profile. What?? I have a profile? I don't remember filling anything out when I downloaded firefox. Turns out there's this totally invasive profile that remembers where you've been, your bookmarks and your passwords!
I feel naked! My computer knows my profile, and I don't even know its name! I promptly deleted my profile without any hesitation and now Winston (the name I've given my computer) and I can get properly acquainted.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
HELP!!! I understand my co-workers jokes now!!!
When I started working for an internet company, I could email, chat, and check the news online. Pretty basic. I immediately got bombarded with this high tech mumbo jumbo language that sounds like a mixture between Chinese and Arabic. I had NOOOOO idea what anyone was talking about. I got invited to LAN parties and thought you had to dress up and bring something for the hostess.
I believe that tech lingo designed to mess with those of us who didn't pay attention in computer lab and made fun of the AV guys in school. Like what the heck makes a hyperlink hyper?? Does it need anti-virus medication? Or, why do they call it an IDF room when it has nothing to do with the Israeli Defense Force?
Do IT guys really fix your computer, or do they just go into the control panel, click the "RESET STUPID" button and make you look like an idiot? "Oh..hehe...I knew that, sorry!!"
But here's the kicker...I digg it! I've discovered my inner geek! She doesn't have a name yet, we're working on that. I get just as excited as the rest of them when a new feature comes out on my gmail or gcal, or when they create a new cute lil' smiley emotion for the gtalk.
I'd like to make it clear that I still have my roots. I really have no interest in video games. I have never played the Wii, and I would rather sell my soul to the devil then create a MySpace or Facebook profile. Yet I look at people who still use a paper calendar (no names, but you know who are) and my eyes begin to roll. "Hello!!! It's the year 44.810713 squared!! Get with the program!"
I believe that tech lingo designed to mess with those of us who didn't pay attention in computer lab and made fun of the AV guys in school. Like what the heck makes a hyperlink hyper?? Does it need anti-virus medication? Or, why do they call it an IDF room when it has nothing to do with the Israeli Defense Force?
Do IT guys really fix your computer, or do they just go into the control panel, click the "RESET STUPID" button and make you look like an idiot? "Oh..hehe...I knew that, sorry!!"
But here's the kicker...I digg it! I've discovered my inner geek! She doesn't have a name yet, we're working on that. I get just as excited as the rest of them when a new feature comes out on my gmail or gcal, or when they create a new cute lil' smiley emotion for the gtalk.
I'd like to make it clear that I still have my roots. I really have no interest in video games. I have never played the Wii, and I would rather sell my soul to the devil then create a MySpace or Facebook profile. Yet I look at people who still use a paper calendar (no names, but you know who are) and my eyes begin to roll. "Hello!!! It's the year 44.810713 squared!! Get with the program!"
Today I created my very first website using Google Sites. This is a BIG step up from the girl who thought that Al Gore created the internet! No, I don't really think that, but last year I learned wiki code, and it took me three hours to make something BOLD, centered and red in the middle of the page.
I'm marvelling at my creation, watching the links magically navigate from one page to another with a childish smile on my face when my friend says, "Leya, created a website? You should totally blog!!!"
Which brings me here, my like Log!!!!!!!!
I'm marvelling at my creation, watching the links magically navigate from one page to another with a childish smile on my face when my friend says, "Leya, created a website? You should totally blog!!!"
Which brings me here, my like Log!!!!!!!!
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